Trina + Darren

I had the incredible honor of not only capturing the wedding of, but being welcomed and treated as part of the family of Trina and Darren Lubbe.  These are two of the most genuine people you could ever meet.  Their wedding was, without a doubt, the most laid back wedding I've ever been to.  From the moment I arrived at their home I was treated like I just belonged there all along.  They told me to help myself to anything to eat or drink that I wanted and to make myself at home. 

The morning and afternoon leading up to the ceremony were spent frantically, but strangely, calmly finishing up a beautiful outdoor kitchen that was being built on their patio.  Of course they got everything installed just in time for guests to arrive and be none the wiser to the frenzied construction that had just been completed. 

The only thing that was out of anyone's control during the day was the fact that hornets had decided to join the festivities.  One particularly ambitious hornet even managed to sting the bride, Trina, not once, but twice.  She handled it gracefully, something I can't say I would have been able to do.

Trina and Darren's home is beautiful.  It was the perfect setting for such a relaxing and laid back day.  Nestled in the piney woods outside of Pittsburg, Texas was this log house with perfectly manicured acreage, a few well-behaved dogs, a fire pit, and the most beautiful bear rug I've ever seen.  (The bear rug itself has a wonderful story, but it's better if you hear it from the source.  So if you ever run into Trina or Darren, have them tell you the story.)

Of course, just as with any wedding, the day was not without its mishaps.  The air conditioner in the house went out just as the heat of the day approached, which in Texas (yes even in late October) is not the best situation in which to find yourself.  This is especially true when trying to do makeup, hair, and all of the other preparations that accompany the time leading up to a wedding ceremony.

I would describe the day as being less about a wedding and more about a huge family and friends barbecue at which two people just also happened to get married, and a family of which I felt just as much a part of as anyone in attendance.  They had even taken an old upright refrigerator and turned in on its back, built a base for it, gutted it, and converted it into a huge cooler (painted like a Texas flag, no less).

One example of the care and thoughtfulness of this beautiful couple is the fact that they had rented a shuttle service to take people from town to the wedding, and back that night in the event that they found themselves as having had a little too much alcohol.  This was very impressive and I want to express my gratitude to Trina and Darren for caring for their guests just as much as their guests care for them. 

The night ended with everyone gathered around the swimming pool, some in the pool, filled with music, stories, laughter and celebration not only of the newlyweds, but of life itself.  Some of the guests were old college friends, some going as far back as junior high, which made for some beautiful times of swapping stories of their youth and of a simpler time.  I found myself sitting in the midst of it all feeling just as much like I belonged there as anyone else.  I want to genuinely thank both Trina and Darren for their hospitality, for making me feel like part of their beautiful family, and for allowing me to capture their special day and give it back to them.  May God bless their marriage and their wonderful family.