Dakota the Senior

Saturday I had the privilege of photographing a local high school senior named Dakota.  His mom is a former coworker of mine and reached out to me about doing his senior portraits.  They had seen some of my work and said I was exactly the vibe he was wanting.  I was honored and took that as a great compliment. 

We met up at Jo's - Downtown, a local coffee shop that's near and dear to my heart.  The coffee shop is housed in the oldest building in Mt. Pleasant, dating back to 1894, with a character that is unmatched and unfeigned.  Dakota and I quickly bonded over our shared love for coffee, sports, and travel.  He told me all about how he grew up in Virginia, an envious equal distance from both the mountains and the beach.

Dakota was really easy to be around (even for a notorious introvert like myself), and very easy to photograph.  He seemed so natural in front of the camera.  In between shots he'd tell me about his plans for college, his plans to start off on a civil engineering track and then eventually go to medical school.  I even managed to snag a few shots of him and his girlfriend, Stephanie.

Dakota is a very respectful, friendly, and driven young man with big plans for the future.  I have no doubt he will do incredible things and have a positive impact on everyone he meets.  Dakota, the pleasure was all mine.